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Chef: Lukáš Pocnar

What we will cook / List of Wines

- Panzanella with shrimps
- Linguine with mussels
- Chamomile risotto
- Signature of La Finestra in Cucina: Selection of fishes served in "family dinner" style (sea bream in salt crust, monkfish Meunière, turbot) with season side dishes

4 200 Kč including VAT per person

Are you "lost at sea" when it comes to cooking fish or are you running out of ideas on how to prepare them in a tasty and professional manner?
Then let yourself be inspired by Lukáš Pocnar, the former sous chef of the La Finestra in Cucina restaurant, where they offer their guests fresh fish and seafood every day (note: Lukáš is currently the chef of the La Bottega Bistroteka restaurant belonging to the LaCollezione chain of Italian restaurants and bistros). Rich experience of Lukáš, from deboning to properly roasting the meat and seasoning, will be appreciated when preparing ordinary dinners, family celebrations and when cooking a festive menu. After completing the course, you will enjoy preparing fish and seafood and feel as confident as a fish in water. Ok, lets go!
You will surely agree that nothing compares to the taste of well-prepared fresh fish. However, Lukáš can elevate the preparation of these seafood to a luxurious culinary experience. The first course on the menu, panzalella salad with shrimp, is a relatively simple affair, but its taste is so captivating that once you taste it, you will become friends for life. Since Lukáš cooks in an Italian restaurant, of course fresh pasta cannot be missing from the menu. The next course will be linguine pasta with mussels. Of the many seafood pasta recipes that exist in Italy, this option is on the TOP list. No wonder, given how delicious this iconic Neapolitan dish is.
What about chamomile risotto, do you know this unusual combination? Lukáš does, he loves her, which is why you will cook this modern dish together with him. The highlight of the menu will be the signature La Finestra in Cucina, i.e. an excellent selection of fish from king bream, sea bream to turbot. Everything served in a "family diner" style, including a seasonal side dish. So don't hesitate and enjoy the sea of flavors at our Laboratorio cooking school.


Wednesday, 11/08/2023, 16:30 – 20:30

Already passed

Monday, 02/19/2024, 16:30 – 20:30

Already passed

Wednesday, 09/25/2024, 16:30 – 20:30


Lukáš Pocnar

Lukáš has a lot of experience fe. in restaurants “Rybí Trh”, Les Moules and Renommé, where he participated in the opening of  “Oblaca” where he worked as sous chef. In the Zizkov Tower Restaurant, he gained experience from Andrea Accordi, a Chef who brought the first Michelin star to the Czech Republic. After he came to work to La Bottega di Finestra under the leadership of chef Riccardo Lucque and Radek Hasman. Now he is the chef of the restaurant of the Italian chain of restaurants and bistros LaCollezione, specifically at La Bottega Bistroteka.​

Other courses of the lecturer

Breakfast like from La Bottega

Saturday, 10/26/2024, 10:00 – 14:00


Breakfast like from La Bottega

Saturday, 11/23/2024, 10:00 – 14:00


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